Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Press Release on New Autism Service for Wales

MIKE HEDGES AM WELCOMES New autism service for Wales to be established


Mike Hedges AM welcomes the new national autism service for Wales, which will provide lifetime support for children and adults that is being set up in Wales


Mike said… ‘I am pleased with this new announcement of further support for people with, and carers of people who have Autism. Over my years of Public Service,  I have met many people who would have benefited from this type of service. It will represent a sea change in the way that services can be accessed. It will also provide support for people with Autism and their carers and reduce isolation people often feel when dealing with this condition on their own.’


The service is a key part of the Welsh Government’s refreshed Autistic Spectrum Disorder Strategic Action Plan, which has been launched for consultation. The Welsh Government published its original strategic action plan in 2008, which was the first of its kind in the UK.  


The refreshed Autistic Spectrum Disorder Strategic Action Plan focuses on raising awareness of autistic spectrum disorder (ASD); ensuring information, advice and training is available to all; improving assessment, diagnosis and support for people with ASD; addressing support needs and ensuring people have access to a good education and career advice and support.


Backed by £6m from the Welsh Labour Government over the next three years, the new integrated autism service, which will be launched this year and will be rolled out across Wales by 2019, will improve support services for children, young people and adults. The new service will be based on the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence’s best practice standards and will include a focus on multi-agency and multi-disciplinary working, ensuring people with autism receive joined up services and support.  


The new integrated autism service will:

  • Bring together existing children’s autistic spectrum disorder neurodevelopmental teams within health boards to provide diagnostic, assessment and specialist interventions (therapies) for children with ASD
  • Develop new specialist adult teams, which will offer diagnostic provision
  • Develop new community support teams in health board areas, providing behavioural advice, low-level support, access to community services, support programmes and sign-posting. This service will also provide training for parents and carers across the age range
  • Build on existing services by developing professional capacity and enhancing skills, to improve diagnostic assessment and post-diagnostic support.
  • Continue to support the ASD national lead role to provide expert advice and guidance about autism to the Welsh Government, professional groups and stakeholders.
  • Support and develop the ASDinfowales website to provide an authoritative source of information and advice about autism in Wales.
  • Deliver awareness-raising and training in the priority areas identified by stakeholders, to include schools, nurses, leisure services and employers.


Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Press release on Solar Enegy Initiative

Mike Hedges AM welcomes £26m investment for solar energy initiative centred in Wales


A £26 million EU-backed investment to drive forward the solar energy industry has been announced by Welsh Labour’s Finance and Government Business Minister Jane Hutt.


Mike said… ‘I welcome the news of this new investment in renewable energy; we ought to be making every use of green energy opportunities. This investment shows how partnerships between Europe Union, the Welsh Government, Universities and other partners can develop new technologies. It also shows how valuable to the Local Economy being part of the European Union is.


The funding is made up of £15m of EU funds, £4m from the Engineering and Physical Research Council (EPSRC) and Innovate UK, and £7m investment from Swansea and Cardiff Universities, coupled with crucial investment from industry partners. The funding will support a new phase of research and commercialisation of technology being developed at Port Talbot-based SPECIFIC Innovation and Knowledge Centre.  


The EU-backed investment will help SPECIFIC to progress the commercialisation of technologies to transform “buildings into power stations” by enabling them to generate, store and release their own solar energy.


The five-year initiative will support SPECIFIC’s innovative ambitions for the commercialisation of research within the renewable energy sector through demonstration of integrated technologies in buildings across residential and commercial sectors.



Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Oral Question to the First Minister RE building Council Houses



ON 01 MARCH 2016




Mike said…. ‘I agree with the First Minister and welcome the news that Swansea Council is building Council Houses. It is exciting to see local authorities building council houses again, especially as both proposed sites are in Swansea East.  I look forward to seeing the completed Houses.

14 Mike Hedges (Swansea East): Will the First Minister make a statement on council house building in Wales? OAQ(4)2740(FM)



It is exciting to see Councils start building again. They are at different stages of the process and proposals vary in scale. I am pleased to see Swansea is running a pilot scheme to build around 30 homes on two sites as part of their longer term strategy.