Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Mike Hedges MS says… ‘Don’t wait if you have a housing problem – get help now’

Local MS Mike Hedges urged people today to seek help for housing problems so that they are able to be dealt with at the earliest point. Speaking from his Morriston Office, Mike Hedges said… 
‘ I chair the Cross Party Senedd Group on Senedd so I am all too aware of how easy it is for people to get into housing difficulties in the best of times; the Covid-19 virus and the economic dislocation which has come with it means people who have never been in difficulties with mortagages and rent can now find themselves in difficulties very quickly. 
The crucial thing is to seek advice and support at the very earliest hint that you may be getting into difficulties.
The Campaign will direct people to the Welsh Government website and provide information from a variety of housing advice charities. 
I would urge people to seek help – there is nothing to be ashamed of’

As a new Welsh Government digital campaign begins on Housing Advice during Covid-19, Housing Minister, Julie James, has called on the people of Wales to seek help now if they’re experiencing housing issues.

Developed with Shelter Cymru, the campaign will direct people to the Welsh Government website where they will be able to access advice related to different housing issues.

The campaign aims to inform and reassure people that help and support is available and make it easier for them to access that help and support, particularly as many won’t have been in this situation before.

Shelter Cymru has reported that demand for their live online support and telephone helpline has more than doubled in recent weeks.

Based on feedback from Shelter Cymru and other housing and homelessness organisations in Wales, the campaign is focusing on five common concerns:
  • Struggling to pay rent or mortgage
  • Worried about eviction
  • Getting repairs done in a rented home
  • Having a safe or suitable place to stay
  • Self-isolating in shared accommodation

The Welsh Government website will set out what people can do about these issues and signpost them to further help from organisations such as Citizens Advice, Crisis, Shelter Cymru and specialist providers such as Llamau. The website will also refer people to the UK Government’s Department for Work and Pensions where appropriate for further information on benefits.

In addition, the Welsh Government is running a campaign with Shelter Cymru and Llamau around hidden homelessness and the impact of the coronavirus. This is targeted mainly, but not exclusively, at young people who may have been sleeping on a friend’s sofa or staying somewhere temporarily like a hostel, night shelter or bed & breakfast.

Announcing the start of the campaign, Minister for Housing Julie James said:

“Many people are finding themselves in a situation where they are struggling to pay bills or they fear eviction for the first time ever - our message to people is to get help now.

"This campaign is all about making sure people know their rights, they know their entitlements and that they can take advantage of the help and advice that’s available from the organisations and charities we regularly work with.

“We’ve worked closely with our partners to ensure the concerns they are hearing about most often are reflected in the campaign so that people understand they are not alone and that help is available. We will continue to listen to them and adapt as this campaign progresses.”

John Puzey, Director, Shelter Cymru said:

"We are pleased to be working with the Welsh Government to get the message out there that help is available. Many people in Wales are worried about their housing situation and don’t know who to turn to. It’s good that the Welsh Government has made it a priority to raise awareness of our service as well as other services that can help people during this crisis."

Rebecca Woolley, Director of Citizens Advice Cymru said:

"At Citizens Advice Cymru our advisers have seen over 19,000 people since lockdown began.  We know that often people don't know how to access the support they're entitled to. We're pleased that the Welsh Government are putting together this campaign that aims to inform and reassure people about the help and support available, and bring it together in one place."     

Thursday, 21 May 2020

Mike Hedges MS Welcomes Substantial investment to improve public transport and support economic growth announced by Welsh Government

Mike Hedges MS said.. ‘Transport investment is a vital part of our Cities future and this £882 000 investment will see significant work done on the early parts of the Swansea Bay Metro Scheme. This scheme will ensure that Swansea has a transport network ready for the challenges of the middle of the century – another example of the Welsh Labour Government long term commitment to the citzens of Swansea and Wales.’

£30m is set to be invested in improving public transport and encouraging economic growth, Minister for Economy, Transport and North Wales, Ken Skates has announced.
Wales’ 22 local authorities were invited to submit proposals to the Welsh Government’s Local Transport Grant funding to deliver projects which will:
  • Support economic priorities for jobs and growth
  • Reduce economic inactivity by delivering safe and affordable access to education, key services and employment, particularly for those living in disadvantaged or rural communities
  • Connect communities
  • Encourage active and sustainable travel
  • Improve public transport reliability and reduce journey times
Following assessment of the applications, Transport Minister, Ken Skates has announced:
  • £22.6m will be allocated to 21 projects across 15 local authorities which enable improvement in economic activity, improve access to employment, encourage healthier travel modes and connect communities.
  • £3.531m will be allocated to the North Wales Metro project to deliver 10 schemes across 4 local authorities.
  • £4.1m will be allocated to support 17 schemes across 13 Local Authorities to ease bus congestion and delays on strategic public transport corridors.

Local Transport Fund
South West Wales Metro
Local Transport Network Fund
South West Wales Metro | Bus Pilot Corridor



Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Can labour win in the 2021 Welsh assembly election ?

Can labour win in the 2021 Welsh assembly election ?

First thing we need to win in 2021 is to understand why people who had traditionally voted Labour and considered themselves Labour supporters voted Conservative many for the first time. This requires complete honesty and not to try and make the facts fit in with a particular theory or to point score in internal party discussion. If we do not learn from the lessons of 2019, we will have the same result or worse and be disappointed again.

Firstly, we need to retain the 2019 support, if the 2019 result was repeated then Labour would be the largest party with 26 members (22 First past the post and 4 regional members).

We know four things about Welsh assembly elections
Turnout is substantially lower than in a General election.
Conservative voters have been less inclined to vote.
Plaid Cymru voters have been more inclined to vote.
People vote differently in different elections.

In February 2020, Lord Ashcroft who is no friend of the Labour party, produced a diagnosis of defeat- Labour’s turn to smell the coffee. Firstly, it was the Brexit election, people who wanted Brexit done voted Conservative in large numbers because the Conservatives were going to get Brexit done.  Brexit should have been completed by the 2021 election but the failure of Labour to listen to the electorate quote “It was not so much Brexit, it was democracy. It was that they would not honour the referendum”.  Another quote “when your MP votes against her constituents you lose faith”

If you believe that Jeremy Corbyn was the reason Labour lost or that he delivered votes from younger people who he enthused, it is irrelevant because the 2021 election will be fought with Kier Starmer as the Labour leader at Westminster.

North Wales is covered by Betsi Cadwalladr health board which has been in special measures for over four years.  Quoting from the National Assembly Wales Public Accounts Committee report: “There is a risk that the special measures status of a north Wales health board will become the norm.
The report also takes aim at the health board's leadership saying it is 'deeply concerned' that it has "failed to grip its financial position" and that recurring deficits are 'unsustainable'. It adds that "poor quality savings plans the Board has had in place...have been both simplistic and overly ambitious."
It is not just Betsi Cadwalladr we have maternity service problems at Cwm Taf and the health board proposal to close A+E at Royal Glamorgan.

An enquiry into Princess of Wales and Neath Port Talbot hospitals found "unacceptable" care of elderly patients in 2014.

Service provision at Withybush and its future existence have been discussed for several years but the overwhelming majority, many who signed a 40,000 named petition,  living in its catchment area want it to remain and provide a full range of  services.

There are those of us, albeit a minority, who believe that the structure of health in Wales is fundamentally flawed and that Betsi Cadwalladr health board does not work because of its structure not because of its management.

What do people, especially those who voted Conservative for the first time, abstained, or gave Labour a last chance in 2020 want.

Firstly, and simply they want to be listened to, not told they are wrong, and we know better. Most people want a nice home, enough money to live, a pleasant environment and their health needs to be met.

What do we need to do?

Support everyone being paid the real living wage

End exploitative contracts, not just zero hours, and false self-employment

Support bringing sick pay in line with the living wage

Have a comprehensive programme on animal welfare

Have a council house building programme not “affordable homes”

Environmental improvements including air quality and planting trees

A health structure locally managed and accountable to local people

We are the party of working people; we are the only party that can meet their needs and aspirations.

This article could be overtaken by the fall-out from the Covid 19 pandemic and its aftermath but I believe that whatever happens the above will remain true.

Friday, 8 May 2020



Speaking from his Swansea Office, Mike Hedges AM said…. ‘I am aware that some of the worse asthma rates in Swansea exist within my Swansea East constituency and for this reason I am backing World Asthma Day and am backing the calls from the British Lung Foundation and Asthma UK for better Asthma management within Wales.

Asthma is a truly awful condition; I well remember elderly relatives years ago gasping for breath and having their lives hugely diminished by recurring attacks. Asthma is now an illness which has been transformed by new drugs and management techniques; it is still with us however, and it is an illness where we need to be vigilent and ensure that the progress made continues. 

Sadly, evidence suggests that Wales remains a hotspot for the condition and health inequalities show that poor communities are worse affected.

I will be putting pressure on the Welsh Government to ensure that people in Wales get regular Asthma checks and management plans are in place for all asthmas sufferers. 

If you suffer from Asthma, I recommend you follow the advice at the bottom of this release and if you experience shortness of breath, I suggest you seek medical advice as soon as possible.’

(The full report can be found here),

Asthma in Wales 
Asthma is a condition that can affect 1 in 10 people in Wales of any age. It is an important factor in repeated respiratory infections in children and causes breathlessness in adults. If undiagnosed or inadequately treated it can in the short-term lead to potentially life- threatening asthma attacks and in the long-term irreversible damage to the airways. 
Once a diagnosis of asthma has been achieved, information about asthma which is relevant, easy to understand and in an accessible format should be provided. Those diagnosed should all be provided with a personalised asthma action plan including relevant contacts and what to do in the event that their asthma becomes uncontrolled, including training in inhaler technique to support effective self-management strategies for the condition. 

Inhaling the bigger picture, who can get Asthma? 
In the UK, around 5.4 million people are currently receiving treatment for asthma. That's one in every 12 adults and one in every 11 children. Asthma affects more boys than girls and in adults is more common in women than men. Further it tends to run in families, especially when there's also a history of allergies and/or smoking and in deprived communities. 
Asthma is a long-term condition that affects the airways, the tubes that carry air in and out of the lungs. It usually causes symptoms such as coughing, wheezing and breathlessness.
If someone comes into contact with one of their asthma triggers, it can make your symptoms worse and even bring on an asthma attack. One common trigger is poor air quality, two thirds of people with Asthma tell us that poor air quality increases the severity of their asthma symptoms and increases the risk of an asthma attack.

Key health advice for people with asthma 
As the only UK wide charities looking after people living with asthma, we are advising: 
1.     Demand your basic care. It’s important to keep and use a written asthma action plan, have your inhaler technique checked regularly and receive your annual review. We have ‘how to’ videos for many different inhalers on our website, and you can download a written asthma action plan here. 
2.     If your asthma symptoms are causing problems, such as interfering with daily activities or interrupting your sleep, the best way to address this is to arrange an asthma review with your doctor or asthma nurse. 
3.     Message one of our Asthma UK expert nurses on 07378 606 728 on WhatsApp for advice on your asthma. More information about our WhatsApp service is available here. You can also call an asthma nurse specialist on 0300 222 5800 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm). 
4.     If you do have to attend A&E or receive out of hours care, make sure you demand your follow-up with your GP, even if you aren’t told to do so. If there is no availability for an urgent appointment within two working days, then ask for a phone call, so your GP can assess if you need to be seen face-to-face. Make sure you tell your healthcare professional about any recent hospital admissions during your regular asthma review. 
5.     If you’re experiencing frequent asthma attacks, such as two a year, arrange an asthma review with your GP. With two attacks a year, you should talk to your GP about being referred to a specialist centre for further tests. 
6.     If you manage an asthma attack yourself, always follow up with your GP afterwards. An asthma attack isn’t something you should deal with alone and could be an indicator that your medicine needs to be changed or you need more specialised care. 

Wednesday, 6 May 2020



Speaking from his Swansea Office, Mike Hedges AM said…. ‘I am aware that some of the worse asthma rates in Swansea exist within my Swansea East constituency and for this reason I am backing World Asthma Day and am backing the calls from the British Lung Foundation and Asthma UK for better Asthma management within Wales.

Asthma is a truly awful condition; I well remember elderly relatives years ago gasping for breath and having their lives hugely diminished by recurring attacks. Asthma is now an illness which has been transformed by new drugs and management techniques; it is still with us however, and it is an illness where we need to be vigilent and ensure that the progress made continues. 

Sadly, evidence suggests that Wales remains a hotspot for the condition and health inequalities show that poor communities are worse affected.

I will be putting pressure on the Welsh Government to ensure that people in Wales get regular Asthma checks and management plans are in place for all asthmas sufferers. 

If you suffer from Asthma, I recommend you follow the advice at the bottom of this release and if you experience shortness of breath, I suggest you seek medical advice as soon as possible.’

(The full report can be found here),

Asthma in Wales 
Asthma is a condition that can affect 1 in 10 people in Wales of any age. It is an important factor in repeated respiratory infections in children and causes breathlessness in adults. If undiagnosed or inadequately treated it can in the short-term lead to potentially life- threatening asthma attacks and in the long-term irreversible damage to the airways. 
Once a diagnosis of asthma has been achieved, information about asthma which is relevant, easy to understand and in an accessible format should be provided. Those diagnosed should all be provided with a personalised asthma action plan including relevant contacts and what to do in the event that their asthma becomes uncontrolled, including training in inhaler technique to support effective self-management strategies for the condition. 

Inhaling the bigger picture, who can get Asthma? 
In the UK, around 5.4 million people are currently receiving treatment for asthma. That's one in every 12 adults and one in every 11 children. Asthma affects more boys than girls and in adults is more common in women than men. Further it tends to run in families, especially when there's also a history of allergies and/or smoking and in deprived communities. 
Asthma is a long-term condition that affects the airways, the tubes that carry air in and out of the lungs. It usually causes symptoms such as coughing, wheezing and breathlessness.
If someone comes into contact with one of their asthma triggers, it can make your symptoms worse and even bring on an asthma attack. One common trigger is poor air quality, two thirds of people with Asthma tell us that poor air quality increases the severity of their asthma symptoms and increases the risk of an asthma attack.

Key health advice for people with asthma 
As the only UK wide charities looking after people living with asthma, we are advising: 
1.     Demand your basic care. It’s important to keep and use a written asthma action plan, have your inhaler technique checked regularly and receive your annual review. We have ‘how to’ videos for many different inhalers on our website, and you can download a written asthma action plan here. 
2.     If your asthma symptoms are causing problems, such as interfering with daily activities or interrupting your sleep, the best way to address this is to arrange an asthma review with your doctor or asthma nurse. 
3.     Message one of our Asthma UK expert nurses on 07378 606 728 on WhatsApp for advice on your asthma. More information about our WhatsApp service is available here. You can also call an asthma nurse specialist on 0300 222 5800 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm). 
4.     If you do have to attend A&E or receive out of hours care, make sure you demand your follow-up with your GP, even if you aren’t told to do so. If there is no availability for an urgent appointment within two working days, then ask for a phone call, so your GP can assess if you need to be seen face-to-face. Make sure you tell your healthcare professional about any recent hospital admissions during your regular asthma review. 
5.     If you’re experiencing frequent asthma attacks, such as two a year, arrange an asthma review with your GP. With two attacks a year, you should talk to your GP about being referred to a specialist centre for further tests. 
6.     If you manage an asthma attack yourself, always follow up with your GP afterwards. An asthma attack isn’t something you should deal with alone and could be an indicator that your medicine needs to be changed or you need more specialised care. 

Monday, 4 May 2020

Mike Hedges AM welcomes news that Welsh government is Supporting students and universities dealing with the impact of coronavirus

Speaking from his Swansea East Office, Local AM Mike Hedges said… ‘I welcome this news that the Welsh Government is increasing the support for students and Universities in Wales. The University sector is a vital part of the Swansea Economy and it is so important that the students in the city and the university are both supported through this difficult time. When the City moves on from the virus, the University is going to have a vital role in ensuring the local economy thrives in the new circumstances. 
This support shows the commitment of the Welsh Government to the Further Education sector.’

Education Minister Kirsty Williams has today (Monday, 4 May) published a policy statement outlining what the Welsh Government is doing to support universities and students dealing with the impact of coronavirus.
The Minister also emphasised her commitment to working with all governments of the UK and HM Treasury to agree a future settlement saying ‘the scale of the financial support required to maintain stability goes beyond what is available within devolved government budgets’.
The Minister said: 
“We remain committed to supporting our universities in their research excellence, with their UK-leading student experience offer, and as civic institutions responsible to their communities and to the nation.
“We have set out a policy statement which covers new and recent actions.
“As recognised by the sector across the UK, the scale of the financial support required to maintain stability goes beyond what is available within devolved government budgets, and we remain committed to working with all governments of the UK and HM Treasury on a future settlement.
“We look forward to working on a four nations basis as part of the university research taskforce.”
In the statement, the Minister outlines new and recent actions the Welsh Government has taken to address issues including:
  • Managing recruitment
  • Maintaining stability for students
  • Student Support
  • International activity
  • Financial Sustainability for Providers
  • Research and innovation
The Minister continued:
“The Welsh Government is enormously grateful for the way higher education institutions in Wales have been dealing with the challenge of the COVID-19 outbreak and working to mitigate the impact on students and staff.
“They are working in a way that exemplifies a sense of civic mission, which continues to characterise Welsh higher education.”

The policy statement is available here https://gov.wales/higher-education-policy-statement-coronavirus.