Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Lib Dem and Tory hypocrisy over free school meals...

What they said about free school breakfasts before it was Lib Dem/Tory policy to provide universal free lunches for infants:


The Conservatives said children were better off having breakfast at home with their families.

Tory AM William Graham said:

"This is not a moment to celebrate. Free school breakfasts have been exposed as a sham.

"Labour's pre-election gimmick was nothing more than an uncosted con designed to win cheap headlines and deceive parents and children across Wales.
"It is abundantly clear that the assembly government has been making it up on the back of a cereal packet as it goes along."

Former Tory education spokesman Paul Davies AM said:

"In such a difficult financial climate this is money which could have been used elsewhere within the education system rather than subsidising something that should be the responsibility of parents.”


Liberal Democrat AM Peter Black said:

"The school breakfast initiative, although quite useful, it's going to cost a huge amount of money which might be better spent (if) the schools themselves had the choice of using that money."

Speaking to the party’s spring conference in 2007, Kirsty Williams AM attacked Labour and other parties for offering free giveaways rather than substantial plans for education. In singling out the free breakfast initiative, she declared it akin to “happy meal politics – a free toy with every vote”.

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