Friday, 30 June 2017

press release on Fusion cultural project

Mike Hedges AM welcomes £200,000 to engage communities across Wales in cultural activities

Economy Secretary, Ken Skates has announced that over £200,000 worth of grants will be awarded to eight partnerships across Wales to support people from disadvantaged communities to participate in cultural and heritage activities.


Mike Hedges AM said…. ‘ I welcome this news as Arts and Culture have borne the brunt of public spending cuts over recent years. I welcome the news that Swansea Council will use their grant of £25000 for 2017-18 to employ a cultural community organizer to work with partners such as Communities First and Flying Start to deliver Key outputs which will include increased volunteering opportunities, qualifications, and accredited learning.





The Economy Secretary confirmed that eight separate organisations across Wales, including local authorities and housing associations, had been successful in their applications to the Welsh Government’s Fusion programme. 

Since its inception in 2015, the Fusion: Creating Opportunities through Culture programme has worked with over 5,000 people and 150 partners to deliver a huge range of projects to young people and adults across Wales. Fusion has enabled community members to widen their horizons and increase their confidence, skills and qualifications by taking part in cultural activities. It has seen young people taking over the running of museums and castles, famous artworks taken out to primary schools and professional opera performances on school buses. Adults have volunteered and gained qualifications to help improve employability, and taken part in schemes to boost health and digital inclusion.

This latest round of Fusion funding will enable innovative partnerships to transform many more lives in some of Wales’ most economically disadvantaged areas. Local authorities, housing associations and employment programmes will link directly with museums, theatres, libraries and other cultural sites, ensuring that cultural programmes are accessible to all. 

The Economy Secretary, said:

“Fusion is an innovative, low-cost intervention that promotes collaboration to better serve the needs of the people of Wales. Since the launch of the Fusion we have worked with Local Authorities, heritage sites, theatres and others to encourage thousands of people who might not normally have engaged in cultural activities to get involved. I am very pleased to be able to allocate more than £200,000 to eight new projects across Wales that will enable this important work to continue. 




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