Thursday, 7 June 2018

Mike Hedges AM Questions Economy and Infrastructure on the role of Swansea University as a driver in the Regional Economy.

Mike Hedges AM Questions Economy and Infrastructure on the role of Swansea University as a driver in the Regional Economy.

Speaking after the plenary session of the Assembly, Mike Hedges said…. ‘I am grateful for the answer provided by the Minister; I believe that the University has a crucial role to play in the future of the City Region Economy. It is good to hear that the Minister agrees that incubation platforms are vital for future investment. I am pleased to hear about the new £5 million enterprise hubs the Minister referred to.

The city region economy in the Mid-21st century is going to be driven by new technologies and these hubs will provide the opportunity for new high tech business grow and establish their expertise to benefit from future opportunities.’

2. Will the Cabinet Secretary make a statement on the economy of the Swansea Bay City region? OAQ52269

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The 'Prosperity for All' national strategy and the economic action plan set out the actions we are taking to improve the economy and business environment across the whole of Wales, including the Swansea bay region.10

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Thank you for that answer. I want to highlight the importance of the university as an economic driver, creating highly paid and highly skilled employment. We know the importance of cities as drivers of growth. I ask that, in conjunction with the university, the Welsh Government looks to create both a business park and an entrepreneurship centre that will provide a founder and incubator platform for students, ex-students, young entrepreneurs and investors in the region.11

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I think universities do have a crucial role in fusing their work with up-and-coming businesses, particularly in the tech sector. I think that the Swansea bay region is showing world-class expertise in the development of exciting new companies in the tech sector. I think it's fair to say that the Be The Spark methodology emphasises the importance of true stakeholder collaboration. University collaboration in business activities is absolutely vital. It drives economic growth and I think it shares more fairly prosperity across a country. So, in support of this, I recently announced a £5 million enterprise hubs tender, which will create the incubation spaces that the Member has described and which will stimulate collaboration and entrepreneurial behavior right across the country.

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